SeaMonkey 2.34 Changelog (Target Milestone)
Any data displayed on this site is only for archive purposes and starting with March 2019 is not being updated any more.
New Features and Fixes
- session restore not fully working (Bug 1016759)
- Add search suggestions to the DuckDuckGo search engine (Bug 1097818)
- Add some UI to easily insert mathematical symbols into the LaTeX input box (Bug 1077291)
- Consolidate utils.js and PlacesUIUtils.jsm (Bug 917725)
- Use improved versions of getCellAt() and getCoordsForCellItem() introduced by Bug 979835 (Bug 1088222)
- Unable to login at due to NS_ERROR_FAILURE (SeaMonkey only) (Bug 1094714)
- Deal with removal of the plugin finder service. (Bug 1101978)
- Extend help for tracking protection by descriptions for new notification bar and its preference (Bug 1102576)
- Go history menu items end up at the bottom of the menu and not between the startHistorySeparator and endHistorySeparator (Bug 1106274)
- In TopLevelImageDocument.css use img.transparent instead of img.decoded (Bug 1112196)
- SidebarTogglePanel() should ignore nodes that aren't panel headers and aren't panel menuitems (Bug 1112205)
- Support for <a rel="noreferrer"> functionality (Bug 1113898)
- After Bug 783829 PlacesUtils.nodeAncestors is now a new generator (Bug 1114070)
- After Bug 1066383 the navigator context menu is huge (Bug 1115023)
- Add newChannel2 (that takes loadinfo as an argument) to suite protocol handlers (Bug 1115572)
- Cannot restore bookmarks from backup JSON file. (Bug 1116446)
- Can't hide sidebar tabs in private windows (Bug 1117005)
- The Edit Bookmark Panel animates when opening. (Bug 1098639)
- inspector rev in is using the wrong rev in comm-beta (Bug 1137110)
- browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML does not work (Bug 1113791)
Special Operating Systems
- macOS: Mac default: Rely on '-moz-window-dragging: drag;' instead of suite's toolbar.xml bindings (Bug 1114363)